Personalize Care

The right level of care at the right time

Reach people who need care, connect them to the right care, track their progress, and support their care journeys.

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Personalization powered by our advanced recommendation engine

Clinical, evidence-based assessments drive recommendations for care and self-help resources.


Allocate mental health resources effectively by matching members to the most appropriate level of provider


Manage the demand for services by determining the urgency and severity of individuals' needs

Resource Library

Bridge the gap between appointment times with interactive content grouped by detailed categories and available 24/7.

Group Sessions

Foster connection and provide support for people experiencing similar issues or concerns.

A space for all providers

With support for multiple mental health provider categories, we can accommodate any active providers in your system.

Resilience Coaches
Peer Counselors
MSWs and LCSWs
Psychiatric Nurse Practioners
Movement Experts
Sleep Specialists
Non-denominational Chaplains

By The Numbers


People with depression are two to four times more likely to increase medical spend compared to people without depression 1


Point reduction for depression and anxiety in participants with severe baseline scores after 6 months of enrollment in an on-demand Behavioral Health Platform. 2


The amount employers can save on other expenses for every $1 invested yearly in prevention and intervention programs to support mental health. 3


Reduction in outpatient costs with the use of an on-demand Behavioral Health Platform 4


  1. Goorden M, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, van Steenbergen-Weijenburg KM, Horn EK, Beekman ATF, Hakkaart-van Roijen L. Cost-utility of collaborative care for the treatment of comorbid major depressive disorder in outpatients with chronic physical conditions: A randomized controlled trial in the general hospital setting (CC-DIM). Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2017;13:1881-1893
  2. Dzubur E, Yu J, Hoffman J, Painter S, James R, Shah B. The Effect of a Digital Mental Health Program on Anxiety and Depression Symptoms: Retrospective Analysis of Clinical Severity. JMIR Form Res. 2023;7:e36596. doi:10.2196/36596.
  3. Chisholm D et al, Scaling up treatment of depression and anxiety: A global return on investment analysis, Lancet, May 2016.
  4. Grant Graziani, Brandon S. Aylward, Vicki Fung, Sarah Kunkle. Changes in healthcare costs following engagement with a virtual mental health system: a matched cohort study of healthcare claims data. Procedia Computer Science 2022;206:173-182

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